I don't know how to love a place...
In February of 2019 the SVAF Collective had a celebration of 10th Anniversary, held in The Cello Factory, London; selected and curated by the late, and very much missed, Rebecca Fairman of ArtHouse1, Bermondsey, London.
I had two works on show 'Win';' Loose' Oil on Linen, 70 x 70 x 4cm

March 2019 saw the inaugural group exhibition, 'A Room of One's Own' at the soon to be opened Koppel Project Central, Poland Street, Soho.
The exhibition was curated & selected by:
Rebecca Marcus-Monk; Nicole Price &
Fiona G Roberts

“I see life as a passageway, with no fixed beginning or destination.
We tend to focus on the destination all the time and forget about the in-between spaces.” – Do Ho Suh
Residency at Sidney Nolan Trust
August 2019 I went on a week long residency at the Sidney Nolan Trust exploring and responding both site specifically and to Sidney Nolan's works whilst still exploring themes of repetition, displacement, psychogeography, non place and interstice.